Are Pinterest Ads Worth It? [Social Media Perspective in 2023]

Are Pinterest ads worth it?

Short answer: Maybe. But before you dismiss them like a forgotten pin, let’s dig into the virtual treasure trove of reasons why they just might be the golden ticket to unlocking your marketing success.

Let’s begin!

Quick Answer

Yes, Pinterest ads are worth it. Promoted Pins generate a profit of $2 for every $1 spent, and 1 in 2 users make a purchase after seeing them. Additionally, Pinterest ads have conversion rates ranging from 1.5% to 8.5%.

Here’s more…

Pinterest ads can be an effective way to reach potential customers and drive conversions. Consider these key takeaways:

Pros of Pinterest Ads

  • Promoted Pins on Pinterest typically earn $2 in profit for every $1 spent, and a significant number of Pinterest users have made a purchase after seeing a Promoted Pin.
  • Pinterest users often use the platform to discover new products, making it suitable for businesses with products and services that align well with the platform.
  • Combining free and paid advertising tools on Pinterest can result in three times more conversions and twice the return on investment (ROI) compared to using paid ads alone.
  • Pinterest offers one of the lowest costs per click (CPCs) in social media advertising.
  • Pinterest Analytics provides insights into the performance of your ads and helps you identify the best-performing pins for your target audience.

Cons of Pinterest Ads

  • The cost of Pinterest ads can fluctuate depending on the ad type and campaign.
  • Running a Pinterest ad campaign for only a week may not provide enough time for the ad to be effectively placed and seen by your target audience. It generally takes a few weeks for optimal ad placement.
  • Pinterest has a specific advertising style that may not be suitable for all businesses.

Overall, whether Pinterest ads are worth it or not depends on factors such as your budget, campaign goals, and target audience. If you have a substantial marketing budget and a well-designed campaign, Pinterest ads can generate customers and traffic.

However, it’s important to consider other factors such as seasonality, current events and trends, and the specific products you are trying to sell.

Additionally, it’s advisable not to solely focus on ads on Pinterest and instead incorporate a comprehensive Pinterest marketing strategy.

Understanding Pinterest Ads

You’ll learn:

  • Pinterest Ads: Promoted Pins
  • Auction-based placement
  • Target audience customization
  • Various ad formats
  • Standard, video, max width, collections

What are Pinterest Ads?

Pinterest Ads are regular Pins that businesses pay to be placed where people are most likely to see them. These Pins will surface in the desired audience’s home feed, category feeds, and relevant search results.

How do Pinterest Ads work?

Pinterest Ads work on an auction system, where advertisers have to bid for ad placement. When creating a Pinterest ad, advertisers select the objective they want to accomplish and set their bids accordingly. The higher the bid, the more likely it is that your ad will be seen by your target audience.

To ensure that ads reach the right people, advertisers can define their target audience based on various demographics such as age, location, interests and gender. This allows Pinterest to place your ads in front of people who are most likely to engage with them.

Once an advertiser has defined their target audience and placed a bid, Pinterest analyzes its inventory of available placements and selects the best spot for each ad. Ads can appear in various places on Pinterest such as a user’s home feed or search results page.

Pinterest Ads come in different formats, each serving a unique purpose to reach and engage target audiences. The standard ads format is the most commonly used, featuring a single static image with an accompanying headline and description. These are great for introducing new products or services, promoting sales or discounts, and driving traffic to your website.

Standard video ads take this one step further by bringing motion and sound to your advertising campaign. These can be up to 15 minutes but recommended length is 6-15 seconds long and autoplay when users scroll through their feed.

Max width video ads captures the whole screen to show an ad. Finally, collections ads let businesses mix images and videos into one cohesive ad unit that showcases multiple products at once for users to discover.

Benefits Of Pinterest Ads

You’ll learn:

  • Increased brand visibility
  • Targeted audience reach
  • Enhanced engagement and click-through rates
  • Creative flexibility
  • Increased conversions and ROI

Pinterest ads offer several benefits for businesses. Here are some of them:

  • Increased brand visibility: Pinterest advertising can be a very effective way to increase brand awareness and engagement, drive traffic, and boost sales.
  • Targeted audience reach: Pinterest ads allow businesses to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, which can help increase the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns.
  • Enhanced engagement and click-through rates: Pinterest users are more likely to engage with and click on ads than users on other social media platforms, which can lead to higher engagement and click-through rates for businesses.
  • Creative flexibility: Pinterest ads offer a range of creative options, including Promoted Pins, Promoted Video Pins, and Promoted Carousel Pins, which can help businesses showcase their products and services in unique and engaging ways.

In addition to these benefits, Pinterest ads can also increase conversions, generate demand, drive traffic, and improve SEO ranking.

By combining both free and paid advertising tools, businesses can earn more conversions and twice the ROI on their ad spend compared to other social media platforms.

Overall, Pinterest ads can be a solid choice for businesses looking to increase their online visibility and reach a targeted audience.

Evaluating Pinterest Ads Effectiveness

You’ll learn:

  • Pinterest vs. Facebook
  • Pinterest strengths: Shopping mindset
  • Pinterest weaknesses: Limited audience, ad placement control
  • Effective for niche targeting
  • Consider business goals

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that offers advertising tools to businesses. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of Pinterest ads:

Comparing Pinterest Ads to Other Advertising Platforms

Pinterest and Facebook both offer enormous reach, smart audience targeting, and handy advertising tools.

However, there are some differences between the two platforms. According to Upbeat Agency, Facebook is better for businesses that want to target a wide audience, while Pinterest is better for businesses that want to target a specific niche.

Additionally, Pinterest users are more likely to be in a shopping mindset, making it a great platform for ecommerce businesses.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Pinterest’s strengths include:

  • Users are in a shopping mindset
  • Ads don’t interrupt the user experience
  • High return on ad spend and cheaper cost per conversion compared to other social media platforms

Pinterest’s weaknesses include:

  • Limited audience compared to other social media platforms
  • Less control over ad placement compared to other platforms

Pinterest can be an effective advertising platform for businesses that want to target a specific niche and showcase their products or services. However, it may not be the best option for businesses that want to target a wide audience or have more control over ad placement.

It’s important to consider your business’s goals and target audience when deciding whether to use Pinterest ads.

Key Factors To Consider

You’ll learn:

  • Pinterest ad campaign objectives
  • Budget allocation and cost factors
  • Ad creation and optimization tips

Pinterest Ad Campaign Objectives

When setting up a Pinterest ad campaign, it is important to consider the campaign objectives. Pinterest offers 4 campaign objectives:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Catalog

Each objective is designed to achieve a specific goal and optimize for different metrics.


The Awareness objective aims to increase the visibility of your pins and brand by optimizing for impressions.

This means that the more people who see your pins, the better chance you have of gaining new followers or customers. It’s an ideal objective for businesses looking to build brand awareness or introduce a new product line.


The Consideration objective optimizes for Pin clicks or outbound clicks. By selecting this option, you’re telling Pinterest that your goal is to get users to click through your pin and visit your website. It’s perfect for businesses that want to drive traffic back to their site, whether it be a blog post or an online deli store with tasty treats waiting in virtual shopping carts.


When you choose the Conversion objective, Pinterest’s algorithm will work to deliver your ads to people who are more likely to take action and convert. Whether it’s making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, the goal of this objective is to help you achieve those desired outcomes.


The Catalog objective offers a powerful tool for optimizing your content for specific goals like Pin clicks, outbound clicks or conversions.

When you choose the Catalog objective in Pinterest’s Optimization and delivery settings, you can set specific performance targets based on your business objectives. This means that you can optimize your ad spend for Pin clicks (brand awareness), outbound clicks (sending people directly to an external link), or conversions (getting people to buy something or sign up for a service).

Budget Allocation and Cost Factors

Pinterest ad campaigns are structured into 3 levels

  • Campaign
  • Ad group
  • Ad

Each of these levels offers unique opportunities for advertisers to fine-tune their targeting, messaging, and budget.

At the campaign level, advertisers set a daily or lifetime budget for their ads. They also choose a bid strategy that determines how much they are willing to pay for each click or conversion.

Additionally, advertisers can set start and end dates for their campaigns, which allows them to align their ads with specific events or promotions.

Ad groups sit within campaigns and allow advertisers to organize their ads by product lines or regions. At this level, advertisers can further refine their targeting by selecting specific interests or demographics that they want to target with each ad group.

Ad Creation and Optimization Tips

When creating a Pinterest ad, it is important to consider the visual design and copy. Pinterest is a visual platform, so designing eye-catching visuals is key. Crafting compelling copy is also important to encourage users to engage with the ad. Utilizing Pinterest-specific features, such as Rich Pins and Promoted Pins, can also help to optimize the ad for the platform.

Pinterest Success Metrics And Analytics

You’ll learn:

  • Pinterest KPIs
  • Analyzing metrics
  • A/B testing

Pinterest provides several tools and metrics to help businesses track and measure the performance of their ads and content. Here are some ways to track and optimize your Pinterest campaigns:

Tracking and Measuring Pinterest Ad Performance

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to measure the success of your Pinterest campaigns. Pinterest provides many metrics for evaluating advertisers, campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads. Some of the most important KPIs to track include:

  • Impressions: The number of times your Pins or ads were on screen.
  • Pin clicks: The total number of times people tap on a Pin that leads them to a destination on or off of Pinterest.
  • Conversions: The people taking the desired action, like completing a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter.

By analyzing these metrics, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of your ads and content and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.

A/B Testing and Experimentation

A/B testing is a way to compare two different versions of a campaign and find out which one works better. By testing different variables, such as ad copy, images, and targeting, you can optimize your ad campaigns based on data-driven insights.

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that businesses can use to reach their target audience. A/B testing on Pinterest involves creating two versions of an ad and running them simultaneously to see which one performs better. This helps businesses determine the most effective way to present their products or services to potential customers.

To conduct A/B testing on Pinterest, start by identifying your objectives, setting a budget, and determining the variables you want to test. Next, create two versions of your ad with different images, headlines, descriptions or calls-to-action. Be sure to only change one variable at a time so that you can accurately measure the impact of each change.

Once your ads are ready, launch them simultaneously and monitor their performance in real-time using Pinterest’s analytics tools. Pay attention to metrics such as impressions, clicks and conversions for both ads so that you can identify any significant differences between them.

Tracking and measuring your Pinterest KPIs and conducting A/B testing can help you optimize your campaigns and achieve greater success on the platform. By using data-driven insights, you can make strategic decisions to maximize reach and impact, drive more traffic to your website, and improve performance on the platform.

Advertiser Success Tips And Strategies

You’ll learn:

  • Creating Compelling Visuals
  • Crafting Engaging Ad Copy
  • Leveraging Pinterest-Specific Features

Creating Compelling Visuals for Pinterest Ads

Pinterest is a visual-focused social media platform, so creating attention-grabbing images is crucial for successful ads. Here are some best practices for designing compelling visuals:

  • Be straight to the point
  • Use vertical formats
  • Overlay text to images (but not too much!)
  • Offer valuable content
  • Use videos
  • Incorporate your brand

It’s also important to optimize image sizes and aspect ratios to ensure that they display correctly on Pinterest. Use this official ad spec guide for image dimensions, file sizes, and character limits for Pinterest ads.

Crafting Engaging Ad Copy

In addition to visuals, ad copy is also important for engaging Pinterest users. Here are some tips for writing persuasive headlines and descriptions:

  • Tailor copy to match target audience preferences
  • Incorporate keywords and hashtags effectively
  • Customize ad copy based on queries

Leveraging Pinterest-Specific Features

Pinterest offers several ad formats and campaign types to help advertisers reach their target audience. Here are some Pinterest-specific features to consider using:

  • Promoted Video Pins
  • Rich Pins and Buyable Pins
  • Story Pins and Idea Pins

By following these best practices and utilizing Pinterest’s unique features, advertisers can create successful and engaging ads on the platform.

Targeting And Segmentation On Pinterest

You’ll learn:

  • Interest-based targeting
  • Keyword targeting
  • Retargeting options
  • Demographic segmentation
  • Behavioral segmentation

Pinterest provides several targeting and segmentation options for advertisers to reach their desired audience:

Targeting Options

  • Interest-based targeting: This option lets you target people with specific interests. You can select topics related to your ad to reach people with those interests.
  • Keyword targeting: This option lets you include or exclude specific words or phrases that your audience searches for on the platform. Your ads will be displayed based on the search terms and keywords you have chosen.
  • Retargeting options: This option helps you reach people who have previously interacted with your content on Pinterest. You can target users based on options such as site visitors, uploaded customer list of emails, engagement audience, and actalike audience.

Custom Audience Targeting

  • Demographic segmentation: With this feature, you can easily select specific groups of people based on their location, age, gender, language and other details to help you reach your intended audience.
  • Behavioral segmentation: This option helps you to reach people based on their behavior on Pinterest, such as their search history, saved pins, and engagement with your content.
  • Interest-based segmentation: Interest-based segmentation has become a powerful tool for modern-day marketers. Instead of relying on demographic data, this option enables them to target people based on their interests. The biggest advantage of interest-based segmentation is that it goes beyond basic demographics and focuses on what motivates the consumer.

To get the best results from Pinterest ads, it is recommended to use a mix of these targeting options to fine-tune and optimize your audience lists.

Each ad that you create should be targeted to a specific target customer segment. If you have multiple target segments with different demographic profiles, then you need to create different ads for each.

Advertiser Challenges And Potential Limitations On Pinterest

You’ll learn:

  • High competition
  • Overcoming ad saturation
  • Limited ad formats
  • Placement options
  • Seasonality and trends

Competition and Ad Saturation

Pinterest is a popular platform for advertising, which means there is a high level of competition in many niches. To evaluate the level of competition in your niche, you can use Pinterest’s search bar to see how many ads are displayed for your target keywords. If there are many ads, it may be challenging to stand out.

Strategies to overcome ad saturation include creating high-quality, visually appealing ads that are relevant to your target audience. You can also try targeting a specific audience segment or using long-tail keywords to reduce competition.

Limited Ad Formats and Placement Options

Pinterest offers several ad formats, including:

  • Promoted pins
  • Idea pins
  • Try-on-product pins
  • Collection ads

However, there are limited placement options for ads on Pinterest. Ads can only be placed in certain areas of the platform, such as the home feed, search results, and related pins. This can impact visibility, as ads may not be seen by all users. To maximize visibility, it’s important to choose the right ad format for your campaign and target the right audience.

Seasonality and Trend Dependence

Pinterest is a platform that is heavily influenced by trends and seasonality. To succeed on Pinterest, it’s important to analyze the relevance of your business to Pinterest’s trends and adjust your ad campaigns accordingly. For example, if your business sells seasonal products, you may want to increase your ad spend during the relevant season. You can also use Pinterest’s trend reports to identify upcoming trends and adjust your ad campaigns accordingly.

Overall, while Pinterest offers many benefits for advertisers, there are also potential limitations and challenges to consider. These include competition and ad saturation, limited ad formats and placement options, and seasonality and trend dependence. By understanding these challenges and developing strategies to overcome them, you can create successful ad campaigns on Pinterest.

Pinterest Ads Vs. Organic Marketing

You’ll learn:

  • Comparing Pinterest Ads to Organic Pinning
  • Maximizing Results through Integrated Marketing

Comparing Pinterest Ads to Organic Pinning

When it comes to marketing on Pinterest, there are two main approaches: organic and paid.

Here are some benefits and drawbacks of each approach:

Organic Pinning

  • Builds brand awareness and loyalty over time.
  • Can be done for free.
  • Can help increase website traffic and sales.
  • Slow to see results.
  • Limited reach.
  • Requires consistent effort to maintain.

Pinterest Ads

  • Can reach a larger audience quickly.
  • Offers targeting options to reach specific audiences.
  • Provides detailed analytics to measure success.
  • Can be expensive.
  • Requires a budget to see significant results.
  • Can be difficult to create effective ads.

To strike a balance between paid and organic strategies, consider your goals and budget. For example, if you have a limited budget, you may want to focus on organic pinning and gradually incorporate paid ads as your budget allows.

Maximizing Results through Integrated Marketing

To maximize your results on Pinterest, consider integrating your Pinterest ads with other digital marketing channels. Here are some ways to do this:

Combining Pinterest Ads with other digital marketing channels:

  • Use Pinterest ads to drive traffic to your website or landing page, and then retarget those visitors with ads on other platforms.
  • Use email marketing to promote your Pinterest account and encourage subscribers to follow you.

Cross-promotion and brand consistency

  • Ensure that your branding is consistent across all channels, including Pinterest.
  • Promote your Pinterest account on other social media platforms and your website.
  • Use Pinterest to promote your other social media accounts and website.

Pinterest’s Roadmap for Advertising: New features and developments in the pipeline

Pinterest is constantly evolving its advertising platform to help businesses reach their goals and connect with consumers at every stage of the journey.

In October 2022, Pinterest announced exciting new tools for advertisers that will allow for a more cohesive journey throughout the campaign lifecycle. This announcement is great news for those who use Pinterest as a marketing tool, as it promises to enhance the user experience and provide even more opportunities for engagement.

Pinterest has announced the expansion of its Trends tool, which is aimed at helping advertisers gain deeper insights into Pinner planning behaviors. This expansion provides a wealth of data that can be used to inform campaign planning strategies, allowing businesses to create more effective advertising campaigns on the platform. With Pinterest Trends, marketers and advertisers will now have access to a range of new features that provide greater visibility into how Pinners plan their purchases.

One such feature is the Conversions API which is now globally available for advertisers on Pinterest. This tool allows businesses to track website activity and user behavior after someone clicks on a promoted pin. By utilizing this feature, marketers can better understand how their Pinterest traffic translates into conversions and sales.

Predicting the future of Pinterest Ads

Pinterest has a unique position where the act of finding new things and the act of buying things come together. It’s a place where people can find inspiration and also have the intention to make purchases.

With 478 million active users, Pinterest’s quarter-over-quarter change in advertising reach went up by 6.2% in 2021, and should keep rising as it continues to add new features and tools for advertisers.

Pinterest users spend twice as much shopping every month compared to non-users, and 80% of weekly Pinners have discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest.

Pinterest ads earn a 2x higher return on ad spend with a 2.3x cheaper cost per conversion, compared to other social media platforms.

Longevity and Sustainable Growth: Assessing the potential for long-term success with Pinterest Ads

Pinterest’s focus on discovery and commerce, combined with its growing user base and low cost per conversion, make it a promising platform for long-term success with advertising. Pinterest users seek inspiration with intent, from searching for the latest trends to clicking on an ad for their next purchase.

What sets Pinterest apart from other social media networks is its focus on discovery and inspiration. Unlike other platforms that rely heavily on interruptive advertising tactics, Pinterest ads work naturally into users’ browsing experience.

One reason for this is that Pinners are actively looking for ideas and products to purchase. They come to the platform with a mindset of exploration and discovery, which makes them more receptive to ads that align with their interests. The visual nature of Pinterest also plays a role in making ads feel less intrusive – an eye-catching image can be just as effective at capturing attention as a pop-up ad.

Pinterest gives you detailed information about your audience’s demographics, behaviors, and interests in an interactive way. This helps you customize your advertisements and create content that is more valuable to them.

In conclusion, Pinterest’s unique position at the intersection of discovery and commerce, combined with its growing user base and low cost per conversion, make it a promising platform for long-term success with advertising. Pinterest is constantly evolving its advertising platform to help businesses reach their goals and connect with consumers at every stage of the journey. With new features and tools for advertisers, Pinterest is poised to continue its growth and success in the future.

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