are quora ads worth it in 2023?

Are Quora Ads Worth It? It’s like asking if a unicorn makes a good house pet. Intrigued? Let’s explore the whimsical world of Quora advertising & uncover its magical potential.

Quick Answer…

Let’s dive into some advantages and disadvantages of using Quora Ads:



Overall, whether or not Quora Ads are worth it depends on your organization’s priorities and goals.

While it may be cheaper than other platforms, it may not offer the same level of customization or dynamic metrics.

However, if you are trying to reach a well-educated audience during their research phase, Quora Ads may be a good option to consider or it’s a must include when you’re running an omni-channel marketing approach.

Overview Of Quora Ads

You’ll learn:

  • Reach and Audience Demographics
  • Available Ad Formats
  • Targeting Options
  • Quora Ads’ Benefits
  • Limitations

Quora Ads is an advertising platform that allows businesses to reach a highly engaged and knowledge-seeking user base.

Advertisers can choose to run Text Ads, Image Ads, Promoted Answers, and Lead Gen Forms.

The ads will appear near questions that advertisers choose, allowing them to tailor their message to that content.

Reach and Audience Demographics

Quora has a high-quality audience that is positive and informative.

Quora users are generally well-educated and more likely to have authorized a business purchase.

They’re also 65% more likely to report a college degree and 37% more likely to have a household income of $100k or more.

Available Ad Formats

  • Text Ads
  • Image Ads
  • Promoted Answers
  • Lead Gen Forms

Targeting Options

  • Question targeting: The ads will appear near specific question pages on Quora.
  • Audience targeting: This allows advertisers to target users who have previously visited their website.
  • Interest targeting: Advertisers can target users on Quora who recently engaged with specific topics.
  • Keyword targeting: The ads will appear across Quora next to questions with broad or phrase matches to the keywords provided.
  • Broad targeting: The ads will target the broadest possible audience of Quora users.
  • Email targeting: Advertisers can select email targeting in case they want their ads to appear in Quora’s digest email sent to registered users.

Overall, Quora Ads offers a solid offering for advertisers looking to promote a niche product. However, it may not offer the same level of customization or dynamic metrics as other platforms like Facebook or Google.

Factors To Consider For Quora Ads

You’ll learn:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Audience targeting
  • Ad performance metrics
  • Niche product promotion
  • Testing and optimization


The cost per click (CPC) and cost per impression (CPM) should be compared with other platforms to determine cost-effectiveness. Bidding options such as manual bidding, automatic bidding, and target cost bidding affect the overall cost and ROI of the campaign.

Lookalike Audience Targeting

To create a lookalike audience on Quora Ads, you need to have a seed audience of at least 500 matched profiles.

You can create a List Match Audience based on a list of customers, leads, or subscribers, and then build a Lookalike Audience from that list to expand your target audience on Quora.

Building a Lookalike Audience from a List Match Audience enables you to scale campaigns to users that are similar to your existing audience. You can create audiences at 1%, 5%, and 10% to compare volume.

Ad Performance Metrics

Key performance indicators (KPIs) available on Quora Ads include click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and engagement metrics.

Advertisers should test different targeting options, images, videos, and CTAs to optimize their campaigns. Metrics can be measured, tracked, and optimized using the pixel installed directly onto the website or through Google Tag Manager.

Success Stories & Case Studies

You’ll learn:

  • Adstage Case Study
  • Quora Ads Case Study by Ahrefs
  • WordStream Case Study
  • Advantages of Quora Ads

Here are some specific case studies of successful Quora Ads campaigns:

Adstage Case Study

  • Industry: Marketing and Advertising
  • Campaign Objectives: Increase lead generation and brand awareness
  • Targeting Strategy: Topic targeting, interest targeting, and question targeting
  • Measurable Results: Quora’s cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is reported to be twice as good as AdWords, two and a half times better than Facebook, and 1.2 times better than Bing, according to AdStage. They are also experiencing low cost-per-click (CPC) rates, with some topics below $0.50. Additionally, AdStage mentions that 93% of their traffic comes from new users.

Find additional details by visiting this link.

Quora Ads Case Study by Ahrefs

  • Industry: SEO and Marketing
  • Campaign Objectives: To achieve cost-effective results
  • Targeting Strategy: Question targeting
  • Measurable Results: The result outcomes include achieving lower CPC and CPA compared to Google search campaigns, having cheaper CPC compared to Facebook

Explore the full case study here.

WordStream Case Study

  • Industry: Marketing and Advertising
  • Campaign Objectives: The objective of the campaign is to advertise on Quora and leverage its unique features to build credibility, reach a large and engaged audience, provide quality content, and target users with high intent.
  • Targeting Strategy: The targeting strategy involves using topic targeting on Quora to select relevant topics related to the advertiser’s product or service. The goal is to place ads in between insightful responses to reach users who are searching for information about the company, product, competitors, or industry.
  • Measurable Results: The case study indicates that during a 30-day period, the campaign drove 1,135 clicks on 230,604 impressions. The campaign generated qualified leads on Quora that were about 17% more expensive than Google Ads but cheaper than other platforms like Taboola and Capterra. The results were promising, and although there were some challenges with the user interface, the campaign’s overall performance on Quora was positive, leading to the decision to continue advertising on the platform.

Read more about the campaign here.

These case studies highlight the unique advantages of Quora’s audience and targeting options for businesses in various industries. The ability to target specific questions or topics allows businesses to reach their ideal audience effectively.

Additionally, the cost-effectiveness of Quora Ads compared to other platforms makes it an attractive option for businesses looking to optimize their ad spend.

Potential Drawbacks and Limitations

You’ll learn:

  • Limited ad formats
  • Smaller audience
  • Limited metrics and customization
  • Unique advantages of Quora Ads
  • Optimization strategies

Here are some potential drawbacks and limitations of Quora Ads, along with suggestions to mitigate them:

Limited Ad Formats

Quora Ads offer limited ad formats compared to other platforms like Facebook and Google. To mitigate this limitation, advertisers can optimize their ad copy and use dynamic CTA buttons to make their ads more engaging.

Smaller Audience

Quora has a smaller audience compared to more mainstream platforms like Facebook and Google.

To mitigate this limitation, advertisers can leverage targeting options effectively to reach their ideal audience. They can also use complementary advertising channels to reach a wider audience or use broad match terms.

Limited Metrics and Customization

Quora metrics and customization are not as dynamic as those of Facebook or Google. To mitigate this limitation, advertisers can test different targeting options, images, videos, and CTAs to optimize their campaigns. They can also combine both organic and paid marketing for the best results.

Overall, while Quora Ads may have some limitations compared to other platforms, they offer unique advantages such as a high-quality audience and unique targeting capabilities.

Advertisers can optimize their campaigns by testing different targeting options, ad formats, and CTAs.

Comparison with Other Advertising Platforms

You’ll learn:

  • Comparison with Google Ads
  • Comparison with Facebook Ads
  • Comparison with LinkedIn Ads
  • Unique advantages of Quora Ads
  • Optimization strategies

Here is a comparison of Quora Ads with other popular advertising platforms:

Google Ads

  • Cost: Google Ads can be more expensive than Quora Ads, especially for highly competitive keywords.
  • Audience Reach: Google Ads has a larger audience reach than Quora Ads, with over 8,130 million unique visitors per month.
  • Targeting Capabilities: Google Ads offers advanced targeting options such as location, device, and audience targeting.
  • Ad Formats: Google Ads offers a wide range of ad formats including search ads, display ads, video ads, and shopping ads.

Facebook Ads

  • Cost: Facebook Ads can be more expensive than Quora Ads, especially for highly competitive audiences.
  • Audience Reach: Facebook has a larger audience reach than Quora, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users.
  • Targeting Capabilities: Facebook offers advanced targeting options such as location, demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Ad Formats: Facebook offers a wide range of ad formats including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and collection ads.

LinkedIn Ads

  • Cost: LinkedIn Ads can be more expensive than Quora Ads, especially for highly competitive audiences.
  • Audience Reach: LinkedIn has a large audience reach than Quora, with over 1,500 million members.
  • Targeting Capabilities: LinkedIn offers advanced targeting options such as job title, company size, and industry targeting.
  • Ad Formats: LinkedIn offers a range of ad formats including sponsored content, sponsored InMail, and display ads.

Unique Advantages of Quora Ads

  • Engaged User Base: Quora’s user base is highly engaged and knowledge-seeking, making it a good option for businesses especially that sell courses like Udemy, Skillshare etc.
  • Niche Targeting Options: Quora allows businesses to target specific questions or topics to reach their ideal audience effectively. So for example, your potential customer might ask which email marketing software should I buy for my barber shop?
  • Thought Leadership Positioning: Quora offers the ability to build credibility in the eyes of prospects during the research phase by providing insightful answers to their questions.

Overall, while Quora Ads may have some limitations compared to other platforms in terms of audience reach and ad formats, it offers unique advantages such as a high-quality audience and unique targeting capabilities.

7 Best Practices for Quora Ads

You’ll learn:

  • Define target audience
  • Engaging ad copy
  • Leverage Quora’s advantages
  • Test ad formats
  • Monitor and optimize

Here are some best practices for creating compelling Quora Ads:

  1. Define your target audience: Define your target audience based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics. Target questions and topics that your potential buyers might be searching to buy similar product of services that you provide.
  2. Use engaging ad copy: Quora ads look like text ads, but they have a dynamic CTA button that pulls your display URL. Write ad copy that is informative, insightful, and engaging. Use sentences instead of title case.
  3. Leverage Quora’s unique advantages: Quora’s user base is highly engaged and knowledge-seeking, making it a good option for businesses in niche industries. Use Quora to build credibility in the eyes of prospects during the research phase by providing insightful answers to their questions.
  4. Test different ad formats: Quora offers a range of ad formats, including Promoted Answers, which are an interesting ad format worth experimenting with for increasing brand awareness.
  5. Monitor performance metrics: Track your campaign performance metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and conversion rate. Use this data to optimize your campaigns and make data-driven adjustments.
  6. A/B test your ads: Test different targeting options, images, videos, and CTAs to see what works best for your audience. A/B testing can help you identify the most effective ad elements and optimize your campaigns accordingly.
  7. Exclude irrelevant queries or audiences: Exclude any queries or audiences that have been added to the Ads Manager to ensure that your ads are shown to the right people.

By following these best practices, you can create compelling Quora Ads that effectively reach your target audience and drive conversions.

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