Is It Worth It To Sell On Shopify? Review, Pros & Cons [2023]

Is it worth it to sell on Shopify?

Let’s dive into the world of online entrepreneurship, where dreams of success are as abundant as cat videos on the internet.

Get ready to unlock the secrets of selling on Shopify, from its potential profits to the pitfalls to watch out for.

Quick Answer

Shopify is an exceptional ecommerce platform that excels in supporting the growth of your online business. With its all-in-one solution, impressive sales features, scalability, and extensive built-in features, it’s the ideal choice for building a successful, scalable online store.

Here are some pros and cons of using Shopify to sell online:


  • Shopify is a best-in-class online store builder that lets you sell in more ways than just about any competing solution you can think of.
  • Shopify is a particularly good option for dropshipping, point-of-sale, and multi-currency selling.
  • Shopify has a modern and intuitive interface that is fairly easy to use.
  • Shopify offers a variety of pricing plans that are reasonable and can be customized to fit your business needs.
  • Shopify provides video tutorials to help you build your store and start selling online.
  • Shopify has a good reputation and has been rated highly in customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Shopify offers a free trial period ($1/month for the first 3 months), so you can test out the platform before committing to a plan.


  • Shopify can be more expensive than it appears, as transaction fees and the need for additional apps can hike up the monthly cost of running your store.
  • Shopify’s pricing plans may be pricier than non-ecommerce specific builders.
  • Shopify’s backend can sometimes get confusing.

Overall, whether or not Shopify is worth it depends on your ambitions and vision for your online shop. If you have a proper plan for what you want to do and achieve and are willing to put in the effort, then Shopify can be worth it. It is a best-in-class online store builder that offers a variety of features and pricing plans to fit your business needs.

Choosing the right platform for online selling is crucial for the success of your business. Here are some factors to consider when choosing an e-commerce platform:

  • Features: Every platform offers different features, benefits, and costs. It’s important to choose a platform that offers the features that are important to your business.
  • Security: Security is a critical factor to consider when choosing an e-commerce platform. You want to make sure that your customers’ personal and financial information is secure.
  • SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for driving traffic to your website. Choose a platform that is SEO-friendly and allows you to optimize your website for search engines.
  • Responsive web design: A responsive website design is essential for providing a good user experience on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Multiple selling channels: Choose a platform that supports multiple selling channels, such as social media, marketplaces, and mobile apps.
  • Integrations: Integrations with other tools and services, such as payment gateways, shipping providers, and marketing automation software, can help streamline your business operations.
  • Technical support: Make sure the platform you choose offers good technical support. Consider how they provide support, such as through a call, online or chat, self-service, etc.
  • Scalability: Choose a platform that can scale up as your business grows. The platform should not charge exorbitant fees for providing extra features and storage for your increased business needs.
  • Price: When choosing a platform, make sure to factor in its cost and ensure it aligns with your budget. Remember, the most affordable choice may not necessarily be the most suitable one.
  • Hosting and platform ownership: eCommerce platforms can either be self-hosted or on the cloud. If you choose self-hosting, you’ll need to handle the hosting, installation, and updates yourself. This gives you more control over your platform and better security management, plus you can save on hosting fees but this is not always practical. On the other hand, cloud-based platforms are more user-friendly and require less technical expertise.

Choosing the right platform for your business can be a difficult decision, but analyzing the above-mentioned aspects of available platforms will help you make an informed decision.


Here are some pros of selling on Shopify:

  • Ease of Use: Shopify is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. It is built for the average user, not skilled developers. It’s simple to add products, create discounts, and process orders. Web design is user-friendly and even easy with Shopify’s drag-and-drop editing tool.
  • Quick and Simple Store Setup Process: Setting up and using Shopify is a breeze. All you have to do to start selling your products is create and fine-tune your account, select the types of items you want to offer, upload your products, set up an easy payment option, and voila! Your store is good to go.
  • No Coding or Technical Skills Required: Shopify takes care of all software updates, so you can focus all your efforts on selling and not worry about technical issues.
  • Customizable: Shopify provides beautiful storefront themes that make a website look beautiful and professional, which helps you attract more customers. Shopify also offers a variety of features that allow you to easily add products, manage your inventory, set up shipping, and create discount codes.
  • Mobile Ready: Shopify is mobile-ready, which means that your store will look great on any device.
  • SEO and Marketing Tools: Shopify offers powerful SEO features that will help your website rank higher in search results so customers can find you easily. Shopify also offers marketing tools and plugins to help you promote your products and grow your business.
  • Multiple Payment Processors: Shopify supports different categories of eCommerce business and offers multiple payment processors, making it easy for customers to pay for their purchases.
  • Secure and Reliable: Shopify is a hosted solution that provides reliability and security. Shopify takes care of all software updates, and your site will always be fast, secure, and online. Shopify also offers SSL certification and PCI to encrypt all data, ensuring that all of the confident personal and financial information is protected.
  • Available Customer Support: Shopify offers 24/7 customer support to help you with any issues you may encounter.


Here are the cons of selling on Shopify, specifically regarding monthly costs and transaction fees, based on the search results:

  • Monthly Costs: Running a store on Shopify isn’t free. You will need to pay a monthly subscription fee. The pricing plans vary depending on the features you need, with the basic plan starting at $25 per month and the advanced plan costing $399 per month.
  • Transaction Fees and Charges: Apart from the monthly subscription fee, there are other fees and charges you should keep in mind. These include transaction fees for the payment gateway you use, whether it’s built-in or from a third-party. Additionally, Shopify charges a fee for using their app store, which can accumulate if you use multiple subscription-based apps on a recurring monthly basis.
  • Restrictions on modifying the underlying code: Shopify themes can work as foundations for highly customized stores, but every merchant should get a sense of their theme’s makeup and limitations before committing to extensive modifications. Shopify lacks any automated way to upgrade themes while also maintaining any customizations
  • Customization limitations for advanced users: Although Shopify’s default theme allows for some minor customizations, if you want your store to stand out, you may be limited. This is especially true since many Shopify stores use free themes. Additionally, the 100 variant limit can be a challenge for brands with highly customizable products. While you can customize the appearance of your store’s checkout page, modifying fields or functionalities for Shopify’s payment gateway is not permitted.
  • Dependency on Third-Party Apps: Shopify allows developers to build apps that extend the functionality of the platform, but these apps may have external dependencies and potential compatibility issues. Developers can use any technology stack to build their app’s functionality, but they need to use Node.js to install Shopify CLI and manage its dependencies. Third-party dependencies can be installed and managed using various methods, and Shopify provides documentation and resources for troubleshooting. However, relying on external apps for certain functionality can result in extra costs and potential compatibility issues. It is important for developers to carefully consider the dependencies and potential costs associated with their app before building and launching it on the Shopify platform.

It’s important to note that while there are costs associated with selling on Shopify, the platform offers many benefits as well. For example, it’s easy to use, has a wide range of features, and provides a user-friendly interface. Ultimately, whether or not Shopify is the right platform for you depends on your specific needs and budget.

Customization Options

Shopify offers extensive customization options for its users. Here are some ways to customize products on Shopify:

  • Theme selection and customization: Shopify offers a wide range of 100+ themes that can be customized to fit the user’s needs. Users can select a theme and customize it to match their brand and style.
  • Adding and managing products: Users can add and manage products on Shopify easily. They can add product descriptions, images, and prices. Shopify also allows users to manage inventory and track orders.
  • Integrating third-party apps and plugins: Shopify offers a variety of third-party apps and plugins that can be integrated into the platform. These apps and plugins can help users customize their products and improve their online store’s functionality.
  • Product options and customizations: Shopify offers several apps that allow users to add unlimited product options and customizations. These apps include Product Options & Customizer, W3 Custom Product Options, and Infinite Options. These apps allow users to add dropdown menus, color and variant image swatches, radio buttons, and more. They also allow users to bundle add-on products to their product option selections to increase prices.
  • Customizing product options without an app: Users can also customize product options without using an app. They can do this by entering a line of code in the backend of their store. To do this, users can go to Online Store, click on their theme, and click Actions. From the dropdown menu, they can click Duplicate. Then, they can add the line of code to the new theme.
  • Adding custom options to products: Users can add custom options to products on Shopify by going to Products > All products in their Shopify admin. They can find the product they want to add an option to and click Edit. Then, they can click on the Variants tab and scroll down to the Options section. They can add a new option and customize it to their liking.

Overall, Shopify offers a variety of customization options for its users, allowing them to create unique and personalized online stores. Though, they’re not hyper personalized but get the job done.

Robust E-commerce Features

Here are some of the key features related to ecommerce:

  • Inventory management: Shopify offers a comprehensive set of tools for inventory management, including the ability to track stock levels, set up alerts for low inventory, and manage multiple locations.
  • Payment gateways and secure transactions: Shopify provides a secure payment gateway and SSL encryption to ensure that transactions are safe and secure.
  • Order fulfillment and shipping options: Shopify offers a range of shipping options, including integration with major carriers, the ability to print shipping labels, and automatic tracking updates.
  • Marketing and promotional tools: Shopify comes with built-in marketing tools to help businesses build, execute, and analyze digital marketing campaigns. It also offers the ability to sell products on multiple channels, including social media and third-party marketplaces.

In addition to these features, Shopify also offers a range of other tools to help businesses manage their online stores, including website builders, analytics reporting, and ecommerce automation.

Shopify is a scalable ecommerce platform that can handle high traffic and sales volume. Here are some ways that Shopify achieves scalability and performance:

  • Cloud-based infrastructure: Shopify Plus uses a cloud-based infrastructure that can serve exponentially more customers, along with more complex operations, integrations, and support. The platform is designed for high-growth businesses that are about to scale.
  • Proven ability to scale: Shopify Plus is built to manage a lot of customers and sales. It uses a cloud system that can handle up to 80,000 requests per second when it’s busiest. Shopify runs its own servers using Docker and Rails, along with some extra features from AWS.
  • Simplifies scalability: The Shopify Plus platform simplifies scalability, so instead of thinking about site architecture, servers, or hosting solutions, you’re able to focus on building your brand.
  • Unlimited scalability: Shopify Plus promises unlimited scalability to meet the growing needs of growing brands. The platform is capable of handling high traffic and sales volume.

To scale Shopify, there are some steps that can be taken, such as optimizing images, using a content delivery network (CDN), and using a caching system. Shopify Plus also offers a customizable, high-performance checkout that can help businesses scale effectively.

Shopify App Store

The Shopify App Store offers a wide range of apps and extensions that can enhance store functionality and customer experience. Here are some details about the Shopify App Store and its app extensions:

  • With more than 8,000 apps available, the Shopify App Store offers a wide range of options to personalize your store. These apps are conveniently grouped into categories like product sourcing, sales, shipping, design, marketing, and management.
  • Each app goes through a 100-checkpoint review before it hits the Shopify App Store.
  • There are apps to track your competitors as well. One such example is which lets you detect which Shopify apps and themes are being run on a specific Shopify store.

Customer Support and Resources

There are various ways in which Shopify assists its users with their queries and concerns. These consist of a variety of customer support alternatives and resources:

  • 24/7 customer support: If you need help with any questions or issues, Shopify’s support team is always available to assist you. You can reach out to them through chat, email, or phone and they’ll be happy to help.
  • Knowledge base and documentation: The Shopify Help Center provides documentation and videos to answer users’ questions. The Help Center covers a wide range of topics, including starting a store, managing shipping and delivery, marketing and promotions, and designing themes.
  • Community forums: The Shopify Community is a place where users can connect with other Shopify users and experts to get advice, share ideas, and discuss best practices. Users can find answers to their questions by searching the forums or posting a new question.
  • Additional resources and events: Shopify also offers additional resources and events to help users run their stores, including free online learning sessions and in-person events.
  • Contacting support: Users can log in to their Shopify account to get support for their store. The Shopify Help Center also provides a contact form where users can select a topic to connect with the right articles and support teams.

Challenges in Differentiating Your Store from Others

Creating an online store on Shopify is a common choice, but standing out from the crowd can be difficult due to the high number of stores. These are some obstacles you might encounter:

  • Brand identity: To make your store stand out, it’s important to establish a distinct brand identity. This includes elements like your logo, color palette, typography, voice, and tone. Building a strong brand identity is crucial for crafting a one-of-a-kind and unforgettable shopping experience.
  • Customization limitations: Although Shopify provides numerous customization options, there are certain constraints that hinder the creation of a completely distinctive brand experience, which can be quite challenging.

Customization Limitations for a Unique Brand Experience

Although Shopify provides various customization options, there are still a few restrictions on what you can achieve. Below are a few instances:

  • Theme limitations: Shopify themes are a great way to get started with your store, but they can be limiting in terms of customization. While you can make changes to the theme, there are still some restrictions on what you can do.
  • App limitations: Although Shopify’s app store has a variety of useful apps for store customization, it’s possible that some apps might not be suitable for your theme or may not provide the level of customization you require.
  • Coding limitations: While Shopify allows you to edit the code of your store, there are still some limitations to what you can do. For example, you may not be able to add certain features or change the layout of your store in a specific way.

Despite these limitations, there are still many ways to create a unique brand experience on Shopify. By focusing on your brand identity, focusing, planning and making the most of the customization options available, you can create a store that stands out from the crowd.

Here are some comparisons between Shopify and other popular e-commerce platforms:

Shopify vs WooCommerce

  • If you’re looking for a way to sell products online, WooCommerce might be just what you need. It’s a platform that’s free and open-source, which means you can install it on your own web server or host it yourself. Plus, because it’s built on WordPress, it’s simple to set up and get started with. That’s why so many people use it – it’s the most popular eCommerce platform out there! You can use it to sell both physical and digital products.
  • With Shopify, you can access a variety of features and integrations such as payment gateways and shipping providers. It’s renowned for being user-friendly and simple to navigate. Plus, it’s a paid platform.

Shopify vs BigCommerce

  • Both Shopify and BigCommerce come with built-in marketing tools, but Shopify is somewhat simpler to use. This is because Shopify has a more intuitive interface and a more straightforward setup process.
  • BigCommerce is another popular platform that falls into the same category as Shopify. It is known for its ease of use, uncomplicated content management system, and drag-and-drop website builder.

Shopify vs Magento

  • Magento is an ideal choice for non-trivial, custom e-commerce projects. It is an open-source platform that offers a high degree of customization and flexibility.
  • Shopify is a more user-friendly platform that is easier to set up and use. Because it’s a paid platform, it offers a range of features and integrations, including payment gateways, shipping providers, and more.

Shopify vs other popular e-commerce platforms

  • While there are other e-commerce platforms like Wix and Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) that have a variety of features and integrations, Shopify stands out for its user-friendly interface and ease of use. This is why it’s a top pick for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • While Jimdo also provides a variety of features and integrations, it’s Shopify’s user-friendly interface and simplicity that make it a top pick among small and medium-sized businesses.

Overall, the choice between Shopify and other e-commerce platforms depends on the specific needs of the business. Shopify is known for its ease of use and user-friendly interface, making it a popular choice for small and medium-sized businesses. Other platforms like WooCommerce, Adobe Commerce, and BigCommerce offer more customization and flexibility but may require more technical expertise to set up and use.

Here are some of the challenges that new sellers on Shopify might face, along with some possible solutions:

A. Building brand awareness from scratch

Getting visitors to your Shopify store can be difficult. However, there are ways to tackle this problem. One option is to use SEO services to drive traffic to your website another option is to use paid advertising to bring the right kind of leads that you’re looking for. In the long run, SEO works really well.

B. Overcoming initial sales hurdles

Sometimes, new sellers may not see an increase in sales despite their efforts. To overcome this, sellers can go back to Shopify basics and review all their processes with a fine-tooth comb to understand what their customer base wants and how they can provide it.

C. Marketing on a limited budget

Finding customers for your Shopify store can be a challenge. To overcome this, sellers can create ad campaigns on high conversion rate platforms, provide a cash-back guarantee, share customers’ experiences, and have success stories to generate trust among prospects.

D. Monthly Recurring Fees

Shopify charges monthly recurring fees to use their platform. To overcome this Either:

  • Shift to other free WordPress based ecommerce platform
  • Or consider doing a head start in the first 3 months of Shopify as it’ll only cost you $1 per month on a trial. Even if 1 sale appear, you’ve validated the idea and  can continue your Shopify journey

It’s important to note that these challenges can be easily overcome with the right strategies, technology, and policies.

There are several ways to monitor and analyze your Shopify store’s performance. Here are some options:

  • Utilizing Google Analytics with Shopify: You can connect Google Analytics with Shopify for free. This tool is well-liked and gives you a lot of information about your website visitors, what they do on your site, and how many of them turn into customers. When you keep an eye on how your website is doing, you can find ways to make it better and get more out of your advertising.
  • Using Shopify built-in Analytics tools: You can use Shopify’s analytics and reports to check out what’s been happening in your store lately, see who’s visiting, and analyze how fast your online store is running. Everyone can access the Analytics page and important financial reports, but stores on the Basic Shopify plan or higher can also use Live View and other reports.
  • Tracking key metrics and KPIs: To comprehend your store’s performance and find out where you can enhance, it’s crucial to monitor key metrics and KPIs (key performance indicators). A few significant metrics to keep an eye on are website traffic, conversion rates, average order value, and customer lifetime value.
  • Conversion tracking and A/B testing: With conversion tracking, you can keep tabs on how many people do what you want them to on your website, like buying something or filling out a form. A/B testing means trying out two versions of a webpage or marketing campaign to figure out which one works best. When you combine conversion tracking and A/B testing, you can make sure your website and marketing efforts are working as well as they possibly can.

You can also use various 3rd-party analytics tools like Panoply, Putler, and Glew.

Wrapping It Up

In conclusion, Basic Shopify is definitely worth trying out for sellers, especially beginners and small businesses. Despite a few complaints, it remains a reliable platform for dropshipping and a low-cost investment. This user-friendly option offers a pretty good range of features and is a profitable choice for many. However, it may not be the best fit for those selling single digital products. Nevertheless, Basic Shopify is a good option for entrepreneurs seeking a solid foundation for their online ventures, making it an option worth considering.

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